Thursday, June 18, 2009
Indian Family Structure - Indian familias
Friday, May 22, 2009
Makaldeniya water project, a symbol of ethnic unity
This article tells about Kandasami a town located in "tamil estate". The people in this village are satisfed because the author says"they form a supply proj ect to have water". They did this to give water to this place.The people who livet here had to work very hard to finish the project.They also rated with money.The athor says" the sub project committe that was responsible for the construction of the proyect has been transformed to a maintenance comitte before the opening of the project".Other organizations helped this villages and give them tools for developing new things so that people can have a better life.besides the author mention" the gemidiriya community" this place help other towns with things they need.
Well I think all communities need to improve some things and help of other people but they need more help of the who lives in their town because if we don't try to improve our contries. Also some contries can fell in neglet and this affect the people because if any town have bad reputation , the people have to errase that imaginate and innovate things the people like for example a place for do exercise or places are recreative for families. But not only that, a lot of communities need help for problems like drogs, contamination,streets and water. I think people have to care more about those problems and try to resolve that so that town thier becomes developed community. They can docampaings to obtain resources to help the community.
Article taking from:
Friday, April 24, 2009
Animal Extinction And Endangerment Main Causes
This article is about animals extinction. the author says : " The habitas lose as result of human demand " . For this reason much animals die.Animals' home is damaged because of a lot contaminants kill animals and generate the lose of more species.Animals don't not only die because of people actions. exist another reasons do the animals die for example changes in the wather : Global warming, contamination, and deseases. The advise is look after animals will permit to forgot destruction of animals and give opportunity don't die.
Eating Fast Food Means Weigt Gain,Insulin Resistance for teens
This article is about Healthy Eating Habits. The author based his article on a study funded by the NHLBI( National Heart,Lung and Blood Institute). Junk food is consumed by all people like kids, teens and old people and this increses their health problems. For example, the author mentions two deseases like diabetes and obesity which produce a bigger consumption of insulin. Insulin is produced when food is prepared with a lot of calories. Besides the article explains that fast food places don't include healthy food in their menu because of people don't care about how many calories they eat. People have the obligation to ask sellers how to make their food. Also, the author says: "According to statistics more men visited fast food restaurants than woman and black more than white".
I know for many people fast food is delicious and we like to eat it all the days but we are not aware of its danger get. If we eat fast food all the time, we are gonig to get fat and after we say oh my gad why i'm fat! or why i have double chin ?. And we don't remenber to take care with our body. When we eat fast food we poison our body and our blood and after we have healthy problems. I think we can try to eat vegetables or fruits and lees fast food . I don't know say the people never eat unhealthy food because all the people are free or choosing their eating habits .But we can improve our health and weigth . Because we don't know how much fat the restaurants use to cook the products or some times the restaurants reheat the fat and it is terrible for us because we kill ourselves. The most important is to eat delicious and healthy food.
Article taking from:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Rural Schools need to train rural stewards
This article is about rural shools that need to train rural guide.The cities with lees developtment try to get better conditions. The rural communities that fundation has cumbled". For that poor areas comprend the impotant to learn new skills to interacted with other people because that person think in the consequence ok the lack of money.Also young people get knowledge and practice different activities out of the school. Proffessors make of them class know some aspects of the life for they can join the society.Education need a representative people give them important ghuide. It's complicated for cities with lees development to these proyects.
I think that it is very important to help schools in other contries, specially rural schools and rural students because they need a lot of things; for example, buildings, chairs,uniforms and good teacher because in this time no body wants to work in rural schools. because some teacher the most important is the money and when they go a rural a schools some times don't pay a lot of money and the teacher don't teach very well. I belive the developed cities don't benefit from the natural resurces of the rural areas I mean the cities with more developed rob for example the tress,water and the rural schools need because sometimes they base in this resources for teach.It is important to apply new methods of learning because the rural schools have the oportunity to have most developeed I mean the students develop differents habilities for learn and after for work and they will have more motivation. In my opinion we have the obligation to help our schools because the most important is in the life is it study an when the students do not have a good bases and good orientattion it is very difficult for the students advance.